Jai Sri Hari Venkatesh Ji,
My obeisance to the Divine in you!
Thank you for your beautiful write-up. Keep writing.
Write is the best way to express and learn something new everyday.
Attachment is not necessarily toxic, but desires are.
If you have a desire, you have an expectation, expectation brings disappointment if not fulfilled.
Here is one example: Let’s say you love your mother; you are attached to her since you were a baby. This is not necessarily a bad thing. But now, even though you are a grown-up, you still desire her to be around, spend time with you, and do all the chores for you just like when you were a kid. That may not happen due to many other reasons. So now your desires are not getting fulfilled, your feeling of disappointment start to rise, and all the other negative emotions come along with it.
If you must let go something to gain peace and happiness, then, let go the desires.
Yes, one need to let go attachement as well, but that is later, after you let go your ego.
I hope this helps.
Sending you love, peace, and respect. 💗🙏