Jai Sri Hari Sofila,
Nice to hear back from you. If you are keen to learn about Ayurveda, there is a 4 year plus two years of residency program.
Also, Ayurveda strictly works with for body only. It is a Vedic science.
Per Indian Vedic Science, we have three body types:
Sthula sarira – gross body – Human body parts and organs.
Sukshma sarira – subtle body – Mind, thoughts, and Intellect.
Karana sarira – causal body – Is the seed of Sthula and Sukshma Sarira
Ayurveda science is used to balance Sthula sarira – gross body.
Meditation and Pranayama balance the Sukshma sarira– the subtle body. Ayurveda is used only for the body and has nothing to do with the mind. There is no treatment in Ayurveda that benefits the mind. You are a nurse in the profession so you can resonate with it well. Imagine a patient comes to you for a flu shot or Covid shot and believes that it will cure depression or loneliness. Family practitioners or nurses can’t fix his requirements. The patient needs to seek options other than a family practitioner or brain surgeon.
Sorry for the long note, sweetheart. Sending my love, peace, and respect. 🙏💓
Ayurveda college in USA: https://www.ayurvedacollege.com/education/certification-programs/ayurvedic-doctor-overview/