Jai Sri Hari Meredith,
My obeisance to the Divine in you! I enjoyed reading your article. I was happy to see that you have embedded the divine Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s teaching explained in Holy Bhagavad Gita, chapter 03 about Karma Yoga. Also, beloved Swami Vivekananda describes a part of Karma Yoga as a mental discipline that allows a person to carry out his/her duties as a service to the entire world in Advaita Vedanta.
Everyone may raise many questions as the full concept is not explained here. You have added just one spec of Karma yoga to your best abilities, there is much more to absorb and understand in Karma Yoga regarding the selfless act, it has many levels of dimensions, and you have implied one articulately.
I look forward to reading more articles from you. 💓🙏 🙏💓