Jai Sri Hari Julia,
My obeisance to the Divine in you!
I enjoyed reading your post. That is one beautiful dream you had.
I have learned and practiced Sanskrit since my childhood. I can confirm that Satthavaha is not a Sanskrit word, rather it is not a word at all.
The maximum you can come close to the Pali language which has a Sanskrit base, but it is not pure Sanskrit.
If you split the word into two and try to make meaning out of it, the closest you can come:
Satta: सत्त seated
Vaha: वह (vaha): Any vehicle or means of conveyance, such as a horse
That means the one who is riding the horse carriage, a driver.
Satthavaha: A Driver.
Also, please note that there is no such thing as tapping into Kundalini. You can awaken and control the kundalini energy. It is energy residing in us at Muladhara Chakra, that flows from our Sushumna Nadi (with the help of Ida and Pingala Nadi which controls our Prana Vayu), towards our Sahasrara Chakra. You can stop your pulse at your wish or even your heartbeat when you advance your level of controlling the energy.
Some clarification of Avatar: Whenever Lord Vishnu descended on the earth as an avatar, Lakshmi accompanied him as consort, she never comes alone, ever! She is always with Lord Vishnu. The masculine and feminine energy always stay together as husband and wife.
Bhagavan Vishnu, Lakshmi ma, when taking avatar, they don’t stay on earth for longer than required. They do their work and leave. If you are avatars of Lakshmi, you would have the awareness from the day you were born.
For example, Sri Rama and Sri Krishna are the avatars of Bhagavan Vishnu but they were aware of it from the beginning.
As your vivid dream is confirming that you are Lakshmi ma (Goddess of Wealth), I am safe to assume that you are extremely wealthy financially and your husband is Lord Vishnu himself.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any clarification or explanation. I am with the Divine and so are you.
Please accept my humble salutations to both of you.
Sending all my love and respect.🙏🙏💓